Perforated House Airs Your Darkest Secrets [Architecture]

Perforated House Airs Your Darkest Secrets [Architecture]: “

Wouldn’t it be great if, when the first breeze of Spring blew into town, you could open the entire front of your house to let the fresh air in? While your wife was changing, maybe?

This perforated house is on the market now for $725,000 (AU). Conceptualized by Kavellaris Urban Design, the home looks opaque during the day. But through a few movable walls and a little backlighting, the dwelling glows like a giant light box at night, encouraging the neighborhood to gawk at your silhouettes.

It’d be great to stage a domestic quarrel, shouting about taking out the garbage as the missus, seething in contempt, pulls out a giant battle axe. After shadowing the weapon deep into your skull, a red corn starch mixture would spray the facade. The stains would surely ruin your investment, but hey, you can’t be too sane if you’re buying this place to begin with. [Real Estate and Kavellaris Urban Design via Desire to Inspire via Inhabitat]

(Via Gizmodo.)

Inching closer to Lanier’s record low

Inching closer to Lanier’s record low: “

The record low is getting real close, but I’m still not hearing much about it on the news.  The level today is at 1051.35, only 0.54 feet from the record low of 1050.81.  We’re dropping about 0.05 feet/day, which means it could start setting new records the first week of December.

Some of the guesses from our thread a few weeks ago still look to be pretty close.  Anyone care to revise their guess?

Post from: Atlanta Water Shortage

Inching closer to Lanier’s record low

(Via Atlanta Water Shortage.)

writing for my sanity!

I’m going to promise myself that i will read The Glass Castle next week.